Quarndon Scarecrow Trail 2024 - And the Winner is...
The Quarndon Events judges say: " The QE Judging Team were very impressed with all the scarecrows which have decorated our village over the weekend on the topic of 'What a Job!'.
Finding a winner was hard and there were several contenders for the top spot. We had several criteria which we used to help make our decision: Execution; Originality; On Topic, and the 'Wow' Factor.
And the winner was ….. 'Medical Muse' on Barn Close. When we delivered the winner's hamper we were touched to find out that the scarecrow had been based on the winner's own job as a Palliative Care Nurse. 'What a Job' indeed.
There were four runners up which each received a Highly Commended Certificate: 'Speed Watch Dummy' and 'Builder Bob' (both on Burley Lane); 'Scarecrow Teacher' by the Quarndon Playgroup, and 'Don Quarndon, Local Builder' at Bath Farmhouse on Kedleston Road. A huge thank you and well done to everyone who made the effort to take part."
Click on the link below to see more of Quarndon's delightful crop of scarecrows for 2024.
Posted: Sun, 7 Jul 2024