Planning Applications
Why do planning matters matter?
A simple answer is because the purpose of planning laws is to ensure that, as far as possible, all of us can live in our homes in peace and security; with our neighbours, our community and with our environment.
So, if you want to build or extend a house, planning laws should ensure that you end up with something fit for purpose, that for example has adequate off-road parking or that any potential risk of the property flooding is properly assessed and if required measures put in place to deal with that risk.
if you are a neighbour, planning laws should ensure you are not plunged into darkness by an overbearing proposed development nor have your privacy invaded by it overlooking your private amenities.
The safety of any proposed vehicular access as well as adequate provision of parking will be assessed as part of the planning process and recommendations made where required.
Development on green belt will be limited and works in a conservation area closely controlled.
Trees making an important contribution to the street scene can be protected and surveys ordered where protected animals eg bats may be put at risk.
So where do you turn for information to avoid pitfalls in dealing with what are often complex issues?
The internet is the obvious first thought, but you may be overwhelmed by the mass of information. I think approaching Amber Valley Borough Council, Department of the Environment and Planning; Tel: 01773 841571 should be top of your list. Their Case Officers have both the professional training and local knowledge and are very ready to share it with you, whether you are considering a building project yourself or have a concern about a proposed development.
Secondly, Quarndon's Neighbourhood Plan, formally adopted in 2019, and available on this website has masses of helpful detail and defines specific local policy. Paragraph 7.3 covers the requirement for new developments to be appropriate to their settings in terms of scale, height, massing and design that complements the existing street scenes. Paragraph 7.4 deals with Design and Built Character and its Policy QDBC1 encompasses what are probably the most common issues which tend to arise when considering new development.
A word of warning; Planning Law does not give you the right to a view, nor will it protect you from a perceived drop in the value of your property, neither is AVBC nor the Parish Council able to get involved in boundary disputes, which are strictly civil matters.
The Parish Council are not professional planners, but dealing with about 30 planning applications every year, have a wealth of experience and local knowledge, which they are happy to share. If you would like the opportunity to have an informal chat about an existing or proposed planning application, whether your own or a neighbour's, then please contact Laura Storey (Parish Clerk) by phone on 07941 052009 or via email with your details. NB, for the moment contact will have to be by email or telephone to ensure everyone's safety.
Lastly, it is easy to comment on a planning application directly from Amber Valley's website by scrolling to the bottom of the application itself and clicking on the link. Your comment will appear on the website but with your name and address redacted.
Dr Paul Hodson, Chair, Quarndon Parish Council planning group
February 2021
Disclaimer: This map below should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the Borough Council directly.
If you wish to see previous planning applications then go to To search the whole village select the 'Custom' option and then 'Parish = Quarndon'.
The national Planning Portal is a helpful source of information concerning planning and building services.
Proposed 2 storey extension and internal alterations (may affect the character and appearance of the Conservation Area)
4 The Common Quarndon Derby Derbyshire DE22 5JY
Proposed construction of a new two bedroom, detached dwelling (self-build)
34 Woodlands Lane Quarndon Derby Derbyshire DE22 5JU
T1 on the plan provided and pictured is a mature European Lime tree approx.16m in height situated adjacent to a fairway and track in the Kedleston Golf Course. A larger tree adjacent to this with a dominant canopy failed in a storm in 2023. This tree had caused T1 to grow with a substantial lean out towards the track and area of the course. Due to the new exposure to winds and the canopy weighted towards the fairway, it is recommended that works be completed to reduce the chances of failure at the root plate and promote the longer term lifespan of the tree.
It is recommended to reduce the tree by approximately 6 metres in height along the leaning stems measured from the tips, to suitable growth points, reducing weight on one side of the tree and allowing regrowth on the other to hopefully form a new canopy.
Kedleston Park Golf Club Kedleston Road Kedleston Derby Derbyshire DE22 5JD
Various tree works
Kedleston Park Golf Club Kedleston Road Kedleston Derby Derbyshire DE22 5JD
Construction of single storey front extension, open timber covered shelters on both side elevations, driveway to be resurfaced in permeable material and installation of air source heat pump
83 Broadway Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4BW
Conversion of ancillary Coach House including the removal of the existing garage extension to be replaced with a single storey extension, replacement of windows and doors and the insertion of two roof lights to front slope (may impact the setting and character of a listed building)
157 Derby Road Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4FQ
Listed building consent for conversion of the ancillary Coach House including the removal of the existing garage extension to be replaced with a single storey extension, replacement of windows and doors and the insertion of two roof lights to front slope
157 Derby Road Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4FQ
Erection of single-storey dwelling
157 Derby Road Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4FQ
Two storey extension to front and first floor extension to side elevation
15 Gilbert Crescent Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4FW
Proposed two storey rear extension. Modifications to existing openings.
32 Melbourn Close Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4FX
Single storey extension to front, first floor extensions to the front and side elevations.
1 Old Mill Close Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4GQ
Erection of free standing beer chiller store and changes to external rear staircase including new flood defences (may affect the character and appearance of Duffield Conservation Area)
The Town Street Tap 17 Town Street Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4EH
T206 Sycamore: Remove due to excessive die back within the canopy, a previous limb removal with consent shows an internal cavity.
T219 Corsican Pine: Remove 3 lower limbs encroaching over the highway, and reduce southward lateral limbs by 3 metres to minimise failure.
T217 Corsican Pine: Remove 1 lower limb encroaching the highway
T213 Corsican Pine: Remove 1 lower limb encroaching the highway
T212 Elm: Reduce southward lateral limbs by 3 meters and crown lift to 5 metres
T1 Sycamore: Remove due to Problematic limbs and severe die back
Springwood View Duffield Bank Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4BG
T1 Tag No'409 Swedish Whitebeam (Sorbus intermedia) Crown raise to 3m to clear head height
Flat 11 Village Court Town Street Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4EG
Demolition of existing garages and workshops. Erection of 2 new-build detached dwellings with associated parking (this proposal may affect the setting of Listed Building and / or the character and appearance of a Conservation Area)
TA Tamworth Street Motors Tamworth Street Motors 4 Tamworth Street Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4ER
See attached "230106 Mr Frixou Schedule"
TA Tamworth Street Motors Tamworth Street Motors 4 Tamworth Street Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4ER
Full application for the retention of extension works to include a single storey rear extension with 2 roof lanterns, construction of double storey extension to facilitate new stairway, installation of chimney/flue and air conditioning units, alterations to the front boundary wall and bin storage, external seating area and cycle storage area. (may affect the setting of a listed building and the character of the conservation area)
Pattenmakers Arms 4 Crown Street Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4EY
Single storey rear extension, garage conversion at Installation of 3 x Air Source Heat Pumps
29 Hazelwood Road Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4DP
Responses by Parish Council to Planning Applications
Planning Notes June 2018 (PDF, 59 Kb)
Planning Notes June 2018
The Parish Council's planning subgroup carefully review every application made for planning permission for developments within Quarndon Parish (around 20 each year). They examine the full-scale plans and accompanying documents and make site visits and speak to applicants and neighbours as appropriate. The subgroup's recommendations are then put before the full Council which decides on the response to be sent to Amber Valley.
Planning decisions are normally made within six weeks of submission by the professionally qualified planners in Amber Valley's Planning Department with a published target date for determination 'under the Delegated Powers'. Decisions may be delayed as planners discuss issues concerning the application, perhaps as a result of responses from interested parties eg the Parish Council/members of the public/Department of the Environment/Highways etc. The planners may ask for revision of the application. In these cases there will be a revised target determination date due to 'an extension of time agreement'. If the application is contentious, as with the application to build 400 houses off Kedleston Road, the application goes to AVBC's Planning Committee who, with advice from their professional planning staff, will proceed to determine the application.
Applications considered by the Parish Council on 28 January 2019
AVA/2018/1197 Green Bank Coach Drive New single storey extension to rear elevation and new detached garage
QPC No objections/comments
AVBC The application was approved on 11 February 2019
Applications considered by the Parish Council on 18 December 2018
AVA/2018/1138 Fairfield, 166 Burley Lane Proposed new railings and feature entrance gates to part front and side boundary
QPC No objection to the nature of the proposed works, however it appears as though the applicant is proposing building on land belonging to Highways and no work should be undertaken until this is addressed.
AVBC The application was approved on 28 January 2019
AVA/2018/1176 228 Burley Lane Proposed bedroom above existing single storey rear extension
QPC Noobjection to the proposed building work, however the application is in breach of Policy QH6 of the submitted Neighbourhood Plan, which requires appropriate provision for parking within the curtilage. The designated 4 parking spaces will serve three properties and as such, is neither adequate nor practical as two vehicles would require to be moved for the third vehicle and three vehicles for the fourth. Three properties require a minimum of 6 parking spaces. The Parish Council has received numerous complaints about obstruction of the highway in this site with PSVs consequently being unable to pass. Furthermore, parking at the nearby Village Hall is on private land, which is owned by the Parish Council, where parking is available for persons have business in the village and not for residential parking.
AVBC The application was approved on 29 January 2019
AVA/2018/1165 47 Burley Lane Proposed single storey kitchen extension to front elevation of detached house
QPC No objections/comments
AVBC The application was approved on 23 January 2019
Applications considered by the Parish Council on 26 November 2018
AVA/2018/1116 10 Montpelier Extension and alteration to existing property. New feature dormer window created to the north and west elevation of the existing property. Erection of raised balcony-deck to the rear of the property. Replacement of the roof tiles, windows and doors.
QPC The application incorrectly refers to 'a dormer window to the north & west', when in fact the drawings clearly apply to two dormer windows, one to the front (the south) and the other to the rear (the north) of the property. That said the windows will enhance the property. QPC do however, have a concern that the proposed 2.5m deep balcony which is already 1.5m above ground level on the east elevation will, because of the land falling sharply away here, potentially look directly into the first-floor bedroom as well as other rooms of the adjacent property., In order to protect the privacy and amenities of these neighbours, a completely opaque screen should be installed and permanently maintained, the full depth of the east elevation and at least 1.6m above the floor level of the balcony.
AVBC The application was approved on 23 January 2019
AVA/2018/0920 5 Sulley's Field To insert double gates within existing fence
QPC No objections/comments
AVBC The application was approved on 20 December 2018
1047 4 Sulley's Field Kitchen extension to the rear together with the formation of balcony over first floor to serve the rear corner bedroom
QPC No objections/comments
AVBC The application was approved on 20 December 2018
Updates to applications, 21 January 2019
AVA/2018/0920 5 SF Application approved 20 December 2018
1047 4 SF Application approved 20 December 2018
1116 10 M A decision is anticipated by 23 January 2019 under the Delegated Powers.
1176 228 BL A decision is anticipated by 29 January 2019 under the Delegated Powers.
1165 47 BL Application approved 9 January 2019
1138 166 BL A decision is anticipated by 18January 2019 under the Delegated Powers.
1197 Greenbank A decision is anticipated by 14 February 2019 under the Delegated Powers.
1116 was scheduled for a decision 11 Jan, but amended plans submitted now including an obscure glass screen to the balcony has obviously meant a delay.
Applications considered by the Parish Council on 26 November 2018
AVA/2018/1116 10 Montpelier Extension and alteration to existing property. New feature dormer window created to the north and west elevation of the existing property. Erection of raised balcony-deck to the rear of the property. Replacement of the roof tiles, windows and doors.
PC Response The application incorrectly refers to 'a dormer window to the north & west', when in fact the drawings clearly apply to two dormer windows, one to the front (the south) and the other to the rear (the north) of the property. That said the windows will enhance the property. QPC do however, have a concern that the proposed 2.5m deep balcony which is already 1.5m above ground level on the east elevation will, because of the land falling sharply away here, potentially look directly into the first-floor bedroom as well as other rooms of the adjacent property., In order to protect the privacy and amenities of these neighbours, a completely opaque screen should be installed and permanently maintained, the full depth of the east elevation and at least 1.6m above the floor level of the balcony.
AVBC A decision is anticipated by 11 January 2019 under the Delegated Powers.
Applications considered by the Parish Council on 22 October 2018
AVA/2018/0766 24 Woodlands Lane. One New dwelling (The proposal is not in accordance with the Development Plan) Previous approval for the site AVA/2016/0708
PC response The provision of shared access to the site is unclear with the details of a new access on the block plan at odds with that in the Design statement. There is a question about the visibility achievable in view of the high hedge and also the road bend to the south of the vehicular access to the property.
The application is in accordance with neither the Development Plan nor the draft Neighbourhood Plan, whose relevant Policies are referred to below:
The proposed dwelling is only 0.75m from the southern boundary, breaching Policy QH3 and will look out of place on the street scene, exhibiting inappropriate massing on such a small site.
Subsequent to a recent well-supported parish questionnaire and an ONA, Policy QH4 clearly identifies the need for dwellings with a maximum of 2 or 3 bedrooms and Quarndon Parish Council therefore cannot support this application for 4 bedrooms.
Concerns about on-street parking mean Policy QH6 requires parking provision within the curtilage proportionate to the size of the development. On present evidence that is inadequate for the proposed dwelling, furthermore it is even less adequate for the existing property, No. 24, which loses its garage.
AVBC The application was approved on 12 October 2018
AVA/2018/0832 50 Woodlands Lane. Single storey rear extension, new car port, new dormer & enlargement of terrace area with associated works in substitution of previous approval (Office Code: AVA/2017/0001)
PC response No objections/comments.
AVBC The application was approved on 8 October 2018
AVA/2018/0924 228 Burley Lane. Proposed extension to dwelling, 2 bedrooms and en-suite
PC response Quarndon's fledgling Neighbourhood Plan looks for properties to be accessible, to have adequate parking provision and to have a maximum of three bedrooms. This application fails all three requirements. In particular the application refers to a fairly small area of land already used for parking by the two existing properties, Nos 230 and 232, as providing it for this applicant, patently inadequate even for the property as existing. Furthermore the applicant goes on to say that 'there is additional parking available at the Village Hall...' Quarndon Parish Council strongly rejects this suggestion; the Village Hall car park is for persons having business in the village, not for residential parking.
AVBC The application was withdrawn
AVA/2018/1008 82 Church Road. Alterations to front porch area and rear ground floor extension
PC response No objections/comments.
AVBC A decision is anticipated by 12 December 2018 under the Delegated Powers.
Applications considered at the Parish Council meeting held on 23 July 2018
AVA/2018/0593 Park Nook Grange, The Common. Demolition of existing UPVC conservatory and entrance porch to front and replacement with new oak framed orangey and entrance porch
PC response The proposed development is in both the Green Belt and Quarndon Conservation Area, however it will enhance the existing property and results in a minimal increase in the overall footprint of the residence. We therefore have no objections.
AVBC The application was approved on 14 August 2018
Applications considered at the Parish Council meeting held on 25 June 2018
AVA/2018/0490 The Old Stables Quarndon Hill Farm The Common. Conversion of Vacant Outhouse into dwelling
PC response This application for a 'barn conversion' is in both the greenbelt and the Quarndon Conservation Area; it follows 3 earlier applications in 2011 & 2012, the last of which was approved, but this approval has lapsed.. This application is similar to the last application but with a new doorway on the North elevation and demolition of a lean-to and new construction to provide bat mitigation amongst other minor changes. The proposed residence conforms with the requirements of the nascent Neighbourhood Plan for the Village of Quarndon and as such we have no objections, but would want the glazing units facing No 78 The Common to have obscure glazing in perpetuity in accordance with the saved policy H12 of the Adopted Local Plan in order to provide privacy and avoid overlooking of windows of other dwellings, in view of the proximity of No. 78 The Common.
AVBC The application was refused on 13 September 2018
Applications considered at the Parish Council meeting held on 22 May 2018
AVA/2018/0379 168 Burley Lane. Demolition of utility and replacement of two storey extension
PC response No objections/comments.
AVBC The application was approved on 11 July 2018
Applications considered at the Parish Council meeting held on 26 February 2018
AVA/2018/0123 25 The Common Change of use of former Coach House to residential resubmission
PC response No objections/comments.
AVBC A decision is anticipated by 28/Mar/18 under the Delegated Powers.
Applications considered at the Parish Council meeting held on 22 January 2018
AVA/2017/1389 7, Woodlands Lane Extensions and alterations to dwelling
PC response No objections/comments.
AVBC The application was approved on 8/Feb/18
AVA/2018/0058 154 Burley Lane Construction of new detached dwelling
PC response All windows stipulated as having obscure glass should remain so in perpetuity, in order to protect the amenity and privacy of the residents of the neighbouring properties.
AVBC The application was approved on 13/Mar/18, obscured glass being included in the conditions.
AVA/2017/1383 Land Adj. to The Croft Somme Road Proposed dwelling and detached garage
(resubmission of lapsed planning permission AVA/2013/0678)
PC response We note that the Flood Risk Assessment was last revised 6 years ago and wonder whether in view of the evolving appreciation of the risks posed by climate change, a review of the flood mitigation measures contained therein is needed.
AVBC The application was approved on 13/Feb/18
AVA/2017/1384 Land Adj. No. 7 Somme Road Proposed dwelling and detached garage
(resubmission of lapsed planning permission AVA/2013/0678)
PC response We note that the Flood Risk Assessment was last revised 6 years ago and wonder whether in view of the evolving appreciation of the risks posed by climate change, a review of the flood mitigation measures contained therein is needed.
AVBC The application was approved on 20/Feb/18
Applications considered at the Parish Council meeting held on 18 December 2017
AVA/2017/1310 129A Burley Lane Single storey side extension to the east of the existing dwelling, a linking connection to the existing garage in the form of a flat roof single storey, with roof lantern, flat roof porch to the existing entrance, extension to the existing garage to form first floor room in the roof and new car port
PC response The Parish Council are not happy about the large two-storey extension running along the eastern boundary with the neighbouring property. Whilst there are no windows overlooking them, the neighbours will experience a loss of amenity and light due to the mass of the proposed development so close to their property
AVBC The application was approved on 28/Feb/18
Application(s) considered at the Parish Council meeting held on 27 November 2017
AVA/2017/1203 Fields Farm Church Road Side/rear extensions, attic extension/conversion and attached garage/workshop/annex
PC response Quarndon's fledging Neighbourhood Plan identifies the need for family homes in the village, for preference affordable 2 or 3 bed properties. This proposed development of an existing 4 bed, 3 bathroom home cannot be said to meet the community's needs by any stretch of the imagination, furthermore the building is in the Green Belt and proposes increasing the footprint by approximately two and a half times. Finally, the site is clearly visible from Kedleston Hall, Park & Gardens and such a massive construction with extensive swathes of glass on ground, first and second storeys would have a permanent adverse effect on the setting of a heritage site of the highest National significance.
AVBC The application was approved on 13/Feb/18
Application(s) considered at the Parish Council meeting held on 30 October 2017
AVA/2017/1147 Snowdrop Cottage 80 The Common Demolition of existing Dwelling and Construction of Replacement Two Storey Dwelling.
PC response Although this site is in both the Green Belt and Quarndon Conservation Area we have no objection as the proposed development is appropriate in both scale and character and transforms a poorly designed 2-bed dwelling to a fully functional 3-bed, 2-bathroom property in accord with the perceived need for this level of accommodation in the village.
AVBC Application withdrawn